CompetitionsTotal Fee **PHNC FeeHDNA FeeNA FeeNNSW Fee
(6-9 years)
(10-15 years)
(14-17 years)***
(18-99 years)***

** Less $50 with an eligible Active Kids Voucher (18 years and under). 

*** Juniors playing in the Junior and Cadet/Senior Competition (both PHNC teams): 

Fees are $98 (HDNA Fee) + $33 (discounted PHNC $103.00 fee) = Total of $131.  

A saving of $70 off the total club fee.  Please contact the Club Registrar at before registering to obtain a discount voucher to use when paying club fees on Play HQ.

Play HQ Service Fee 2024

PlayHQ is committed to continually improving the platform to ensure it provides the best experience for stakeholders across our sport. In line with this commitment, effective from 1 January 2024, PlayHQ introduced a 1.49% service fee on all transactions involving participants. The collection of this fee has enabled PlayHQ to continue developing features that simplify administrator roles and enhance the participant experience.